Scott Anderle

Hometown: Nashville, TN
Pets: None
Hobbies: I love experiences - which may be why customer service is such a strong value to me. I am a fan of all music and support artists by going to concerts. I love bands like NeedToBreathe, Ed Sheeran, Bring Me The Horizon, The Band Camino and Colony House. I love the cinematic experience that the movie theater has to offer with spectacle films. I'm slowly making a movie theater room in our house.
Strengths: Positivity, Achiever, Responsibility, Focus, Arranger.
Favorite Life Hack: Advancescreenings.com Studios buy out theaters and give away free tickets to see blockbuster movies before they come out to get reviews and word of mouth out! This was a trick my wife and I learned while were figuring out how to still have fun while working on a budget to get debt free. We still use this site because it's fun to watch a movie for free, before it comes out in a room full of the movie loving energy.