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Ask Tough Questions to Yield Positive Change

3 Tough Questions That Will Yield Positive Change In Your Credit Union

Asking yourself tough, targeted questions can help credit union leaders connect the dots between employee engagement, member experience, and leadership effectiveness. Consider the following statistics, then ask yourself these hard questions. It’s worth it, I promise.

  • Every year, organizations in the U.S. lose $350 billion due to lost productivity. That’s $350, with a capital B. BILLION. Every. Year.
  • In a survey, most credit union employees revealed they could perform significantly better if they simply wanted to.

So, ask yourself the following questions.

1. What is my credit union losing due to employee disengagement?

Employee engagement can be measured more easily than you might think.

2. Am I getting the behaviors I expect from my employees?

If the answer is no,

  • either employee engagement is lacking, or
  • employees have not been given clear understanding and training to deliver the behaviors you expect

You won’t be able to significantly improve engagement with gimmicks, threats, or casual Fridays.

3. Have I given managers, many of whom were chosen because they were good at the tasks, the training they need to understand the important skills (delegation, team building, strategic thinking, coaching, etc.) that create engaged employees?

Consider this: 70% of an employee’s engagement is connected to ONE thing – their direct manager.

Credit union managers play the most significant role in connecting employees to their work in meaningful and authentic ways. But, the truth is that credit unions have spent very little time and effort to develop managers.

Improve Employee Engagement in Your Credit Union With ServiStar Consulting

Leadership, management, and coaching are critical to employee engagement. At ServiStar Consulting, we teach credit union leaders how to create employee engagement toward the task of identifying member needs and recommending solutions. The results are top sales, engaged employees, and effective managers.

If you need help finding answers to these questions, please reach out to me or schedule a call with one of our experts today.

“Go for it gang! You know where to find me.” – Mike Neill

Michael Neill is the Chief Learning Officer and founder of ServiStar, a company he started more than 25 years ago. When he isn’t intravenously consuming his daily Diet Coke, you can find it at a Nashville Predators hockey game with his lovely bride, Becky, screaming helpful tips at the players.

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